Science and Technology

The World’s First Test Tube Baby Is In 40 years Now

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The world’s first test tube baby is celebrating its 40th birthday today, for the IVF or test tube baby approach which is a milestone year.

After the IVF treatment at the Dr. Keshore hospital of Reyton of UK, she was born on July 25, 1978, at Oldham General Hospital, the world’s first test tube baby Louis Brown.

“The IVF has changed the world,” said Daniel Brison, a reproductive specialist at Manchester University. Dr. Kesha Hospital Dr. Thanks to Stapto, Pardi and Bob Edward.

He said that the first time the IVF service was launched in 1983 in St. Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, for the UK National Health Organization’s funding. The number of children in the IVF or test tube system is now more than 6 million, more than 2 percent of the total child born in the UK.

UK scientists were the pioneers in the development of IVF technology for people with infertility problems. Although pregnancy in the IVF or test tube system is presently available worldwide, success rates are still very low.

Fleetily Network UK Chief Executive Ilyn Fenny said, “Despite the 40 years of this life-changing technology, the average success rate of the IVF method is still only 25 percent.”

“Those who have failed test tubes or IVF methods for pregnancy and those who have been asked to abstain from this service should remember that due to their environmental reasons it did not happen.”

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