Life Style

Think positive: 3 quick ways to shift your mindset

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The routine involves three steps that you can do right now:

1. Show gratitude.
I start every morning by journaling what I’m grateful for, and it sets the tone for my whole day. You can begin by listing just a few things: the sunrise, a hot cup of coffee, or kisses from your pup. No matter how hard life gets, there’s always something to be thankful for, and research shows that people who show gratitude feel happier and live longer.

2. Compliment others.
The fastest way to forget your own problems is to be kind to someone else. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, send a text to your best friend telling her she’s a great listener. Leave a note for your neighbors about their gorgeous yard. Or track down the teacher who inspired you to choose your career and tell him so. Studies suggest lifting others up lifts you up too.


3. Count your wins.
Every night, I write down my wins for the day. When Grant was in a coma, that meant something as small as his eyelashes fluttering. But acknowledging those little miracles is what kept me motivated and strong during his long recovery. Bonus: Falling asleep is a lot easier when you’re counting your blessings instead of stressing over tomorrow’s to-do list.

Your mindset is everything! Surgeons told us Grant would never wake up, speak or walk again. Today, I’m blessed to say that my son is a healthy, active young man. Our journey together taught me that life doesn’t get easier — you get stronger. And staying positive is key to the kind of courage and resilience that will see you through even the toughest challenges.


collected by RG

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