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9 Symptoms of Bone Problem

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When people are old, they face some bone problems, but old age is not the only reason for the bone problem, but other problems may cause bone loss or bone problems. In this report, nine symptoms of the bone problem are mentioned, which should be considered if the person is physically fit.

* Your nails are brittle
Broken nails are the reason for the annoyance. If you see that your nails are breaking almost naturally, then it is a matter of concern. For many reasons, your nails may be fragile, but the two most notable causes are collagen and calcium deficiencies. Collagen is a protein that supports your skin, connective tissue and skeleton. You can keep it healthy by eating berries, leafy vegetables, soy and citrus foods. Calcium is a type of mineral which is an integral part of bone health – as well as dairy products you can get in leafy vegetables and sardines. If you have a lack of these supermarket superheroes, you will see negative results in manicure.

* You do not exercise
If you spend most of your time in front of the computer and on the sofa, then your osteoporosis development is likely to be very high. According to the surgeon general, exercise not only strengthens the muscles, strengthens the bones. When you exercise (especially lifting weight and jogging or climbing the stairs, such as weight-bearing cardio), you help to save your skeleton. Try moving from your desk and walk around the office at least once per hour, walk after work or jogging. Take time to the gym to get the weight.

* Your gums are going to be depleted
You lose your gums due to jaw bone strength and low bone density. Your jaw bone is an enemy of your teeth, so when it becomes weak, your gums can be cut off from the tooth. A major symptom of gummy corrosion is a toothache. If you are older, ask the dentist to check the gum health check during your routine visit. Even if you do not have problems with your gums, you can take preventive measures, such as regular flushing and brushing. You can strengthen your jaw by chewing gum chewing gum.

* You’re going to be shorter
Unfortunately, the height of the height is no myth if it is older. This happens when your bone density decreases and cartilage between the bones is gradually damaged due to excessive use over the years. Center for Better Bones doctor Susan E. Brown said, ‘Shortening does not always indicate that your bone is in trouble, but it may indicate the weakness of the muscles around your spine.’ He adds, ‘Since bones and muscles work in one unit and usually strong and weak at the same time, So there is a possibility of bone loss due to muscle loss. ‘

* Lower your hold ability
It is not easy to open a bowl for anyone, but if you notice that your hold is less than normal, then consult a doctor. A study conducted on post-menopausal women found that the test of the ability to grasp the density of whole bone mining was the most important test. You have a connection to the bone density of your hip, spine and forearm with your abrasive ability. Your bone weakness can indicate weakness in other parts. Strength training is one of the ways to protect your bone and increase your ability to grasp.

*Your fracture has not happened
Fracture of bone weakness and bone loss can be a major symptom. If there is a slight fracture in your ankle if there is no chance of fracture, then it has been time to test your bones – this may be the primary symptom of osteoporosis in bone loss.

* Your cramping, muscle pain and bone pain are
We know that pain with old age also comes. But it can not only indicate that you are elderly but also something very serious. Frequent pain is a warning sign of vitamin D deficiency, which can cause bone loss. If your muscles are frequently cramping, it can be a sign of vitamin or mineral deficiency. Vishnu Shirishan, a pamiatrist from Palm Beach in Florida, said, “In general, walking and foot muscle cramping are common. The cranking of feet at night indicates that you have a shortage of calcium, magnesium or potassium. If there is a shortage of these deficiencies, it can cause bone loss.

* Shorten your body frame
People with small body frames are more likely to develop osteoporosis because their bone density is less to lose. If you fall into this category, you have to be more careful about protecting your Skelton. Exercise regularly and fill the diet with calcium-rich foods. Consider checking your bones during the annual physical check-up.

* Your estrogen hormone levels are low
When this important hormone starts to decrease (in most cases menopause), then your bones can be cleared. According to a study published in Arthritis Research and Therapy, there is a solution: There are several research data available that women can be effectively prevented with bone loss hormone replacement therapy quickly after menopause. If you are not sure about the level of hormones, then check with an endocrinologist or go to another specialist, who needs you


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