Life Style

10 tips to reduce costs of shopping

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There are a number of scientific explanations behind your money and how you spend and how you can become an efficient buyer. Today’s article is about 10 tips to reduce costs of shopping.

* Be careful of the celebration of the festival
Professor of psychology at the Golden Gate University of San Francisco. According to Kit Yarro, red and green-colored shops can encourage you to buy on holiday or in a festive environment, and this increases your shopping costs. He also said that red color awakens your inner life. For example, the shops or restaurants staff who have red-colored uniforms, then receive 14-26% more than the other uniforms of uniforms from the customer. Green color, on the other hand, relates to desire, riches, and fate. Because of this, big shops are arranged in green color during any festival.

In addition, shoppers keep expensive and attractive products in front and you are attracted to it. Studies have shown that in the circumstances you get in front of you, you want to buy it. Various shops also offer different fragrances according to the season. This way they encourage you to shop for a long time and your costs increase.

* Go shopping with high heel shoes
One study found that, when buyers concentrate on their physical balance during the purchase, they are more interested in any products than the price of less expensive or fewer quality products. A study by Brigham Young University found that high-heeled shoes were uncomfortable after the use of the shopping mall after the yoga and shopping mall escalator.

* Use the new money banknote
In 2012, a study published in the Consumer Research Journal said that most people spend old and dirty notes in buying anything because they do not want to lose the fresh look of the new note. The participants of the study were more interested in the old note cost than the new notes. So, when shopping, try to spend a new note. This will reduce your spending interest.

According to psychiatrist April Lane Benson, think of yourself as a buyer before purchasing a thing by buying a hesitation. He also said, if you like any product, give it to the seller, sit still somewhere away from it and make the following questions yourself:
Why am I here What is my feeling about the product? Do i need it What if I wait a little longer? Can I afford to buy it? Where to buy it after the purchase? Then, purchase it only if you have the ability to buy that product and have reasonable requirements.

* Avoid more stores
According to a Forbes magazine report, the number of shops you shop in during the purchase, the amount of your shopping will increase. You may convince yourself that when you understand and buy something through verification. But because of spending more time and effort, you will try to put some logic behind it in the subconscious mind, so your purchasing amount will increase only.

* Get help from strangers
It is normal for you to buy something to give someone a gift. One study found that 60 percent of gifts are not used much later. Although you used to give gifts to someone. In addition, it has also been found in the study that if you take the help of strangers to choose a gift, then the likelihood of using that product or item increases by at least 10 percent. That is, in this case, the person who is unfamiliar to you is more capable of picking the right product. So, with the uncertainty of any product, consult another customer.

* Avoid purchasing more bargains
It may seem contradictory to you that you do not feel guilty during shopping. But you can go for a long time to gain more. Dr. Yaro said, after shopping for your family or friends, it is quite normal that you will also want to buy something for yourself. But in this case, you save the money that you bargain, you will be spending a lot more than you if you buy something for yourself.

* Refrain from being close to the seller
According to a Forbes magazine report, the more you talk to the vendors as you make the purchase, the more interest you make in purchasing. It’s a lot of things that helped you do not want to trouble you. As a result, your costs will increase.

* Try moving away from shopping
According to a Wall Street Journal report, urging to buy something, stimulates the happy part of your brain. As a result, your nerves start to dopamine hormones, and despite your reluctance, you start buying unnecessary things. Researchers Terra Parker Pope said, “Let’s come again the next day if you do not make any decision by looking at things. As a result, you can make the right decision and get rid of bad expenditure.

* Leave credit card at home
Studies have shown that people prefer to shop through credit card compared to cash. Because the cost of the credit card does not seem to be seen as much as the case of cash expenditure. That’s why you always get bored with credit cards

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