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How to reduce the risk of prostate cancer

How reduce the risk of prostate cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, men have the most common cancer after skin cancer, prostate cancer. This can be cancer only when the cells in the prostate gland begin to grow uncontrollably.

The location of the prostate gland across the surface of the urine where the urinary tract starts. Its size is very similar to almonds. The main function of the prostate gland is to create a fluid adhesive material, one of the components of semen. Sperm and the mixture of this liquid is semen.

As the age progresses, the risk of developing prostate cancer increases as much. Even if somebody in the family (brother or father) has prostate cancer, the risk of risk increases as much.

By using some ways you can reduce the risk of developing this cancer. Here are 7 ways to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

* Eat less meat and dairy products
Studies have shown that men who ate high-fat fatty foods, such as dairy products and red meat, were more likely to develop prostate cancer. It is important to know that these studies do not say that fatty foods cause cancer, but these studies have found a correlation between eating prostate cancer and sugar or bacon. Oncologist Dr. Pearson Cancer Center at NYU Lango David Wise advised taking most fat avocados and nuts by taking care of animal fat.

* Eat Crusificarose
Dr. Wise said, “Crusificarose vegetables are actually effective in reducing the risk of cancer development.” Such vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, have natural chemicals that can prevent the development of cancer. Dr. According to Wise, this chemical is harmful to cancer cells, but it is good for other cells in the body. There is strong evidence for the efficacy of cruciferous vegetables in prostate cancer-resistant food.

* Do not smoke
Dr. Wise said, “Smoking is not only associated with lung cancer, it is also involved in prostate cancer. In particular, smoking is related to aggressive prostate cancer, which is more likely to spread. “According to a 24-study review published in 2014, the risk of men who smoked more than men in prostate cancer was 24 to 30 percent higher than those of non-smokers because smoking There are more aggressive tumor relationships. So, quit smoking today.

* Do not accept Vitamin E supplement
We usually think that vitamin is good, but in a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in 2014, it is found that excessive Vitamin E intake increases the risk of aggressive prostate cancer. According to the US National Health Agency, if you get 15 mg of vitamin E from your diet every day, then no extra supplement is required. Dr. Wise said, accepting supplements even after getting enough vitamins in our normal diet is not a good idea.

* Make safe intercourse
Using prostitution in sexual intercourse can reduce the risk of developing your prostate cancer. Sexually transmitted infections such as cytomegalovirus and prostate cancer have been found with trichomonosis. The first is a type of herpes that is found in cancerous prostate tissue. On the other hand, trichomoniasis may be a treatment-related virus and its long-term reaction. The study published in the Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention showed that those men who had been infected by trichomoniasis were 40 percent likely to develop prostate cancer.

* Loss Weight 
According to the American Cancer Society, in the light of many years of research, it is clearly stated that excess body weight is related to increased risk of cancer, including aggressive prostate cancer. It is not clear why excess body fat is related to cancer, but the researchers have found that due to excessive weight, this could be due to the varying levels of some hormones (such as insulin, estrogen, and androgen).

* Do regular Exercise
Research says that activism can prevent prostate cancer. Dr. Wise believes that exercising and maintaining a healthy weight are the two best ways to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. He said, ‘You should spend both your energy and money to get healthier weight and continue the exercise program.’ How much work should you do? Dr. Wise said, ‘You must have at least two and a half hours of moderate exercise or a 1 hour 15 minutes of intense exercise.’

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